Please visit the LMS Migration Master List 并在Run 1(8月)或Run 2(12月)中添加您的迁移课程. Detailed directions can be found on the LMS Migration page

Distance Learning

Digger Online, 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学的远程学习项目, provides distance options to MT Tech students. 学术创新中心为教职员工提供最高质量的远程教学和学习内容.

Resources for Faculty

Moodle Orientation Course for Faculty

登录后,您可以在课程列表中找到Moodle定向课程 MyMtech [External site]. The course is called, “Online Teaching”. 一旦进入课程,你可以点击“如何使用Moodle”.

Recordings of Tech Faculty Teaching Faculty Series

Faculty Focus Special Reports

New U.S. 教育部规定于7月1日生效, 2021年,将远程教育与函授课程区分开来, which have financial aid restrictions. 这两种模式的主要区别在于远程教育课程要求教师和学生之间进行定期和实质性的互动. 这个提示表定义了常规和实质性的互动,并提供了如何在远程教育课程中改善师生互动的提示.


As we are bound by MUS policies, please visit the UMOnline page on RSI for more information.

Accessible Online Learning


Learning Online @ Tech


Resources for Students

To access your online courses, Log into MyMTech with your Tech credentials. 点击学习门户中的课程链接来访问Moodle.

System Requirements

Tips for Success in Online Learning

The Great LMS Migration

2025年春天,Tech将在Canvas上全面上线. In preparation of that, 学术创新中心正在与技术办公室和多名教职员工合作,提供培训, support, communication, and updates as we go along. 更多信息请点击下面的链接.

MT Tech LMS Migration webpage.